Private vs Public Cloud
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Private Cloud vs Public Cloud: Which is Right  for Your Business?

15 Sep 2023

When you are moving your workloads to the cloud, your IT team must choose between running workloads on the private cloud, public cloud, or a combination of both. A private cloud signifies a cloud computing environment reserved exclusively for a single organization. It is located on a company’s on-premises, typically firewall-protected and physically secured. On the other hand, public clouds ease the burden of infrastructure management, as they are inherently hosted by a public cloud provider like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

Choosing a public or private cloud depends on several variables, including an organization’s unique requirements, budget considerations and desired level of control. In this blog, we shall discuss private cloud vs public cloud in detail along with its benefits, and a thorough comparison to help you make an informed decision for your organization.

Did You Know?

  • The private cloud market is also expanding at a more measured pace, with a projected CAGR of 26.71%[1] over the same time frame.
  • The public cloud sector is experiencing rapid expansion and is anticipated to maintain a robust CAGR of 13.81% from 2023 to 2027[2].

Table of Content

Difference Between Public Cloud and Private Cloud

Public and private clouds are two different types of cloud computing environments. The main difference is that multiple organizations share a public cloud, while private clouds are dedicated to one organization. Let’s dive deep into the advanced differences between private and public clouds.

Aspect Public Cloud Private Cloud
Ownership It is owned and operated by third-party providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc. Owned and operated by the organization itself.
Accessibility Accessible to the general public over the internet. Accessible only by authorized users within the organization’s network.
Cost Structure Pay-as-you-go or subscription-based pricing. Typically, no upfront costs. Capital expenditure (CapEx) for hardware and infrastructure. Ongoing operational expenses (OpEx).
Customization Limited customization options. Standardized services and configurations. Highly customizable to meet specific business needs. Tailored infrastructure and services.
Security Security responsibilities shared between the provider and the user. Full control over security measures and policies. Organization is responsible for security.
Compliance Provider often complies with various industry standards and regulations. Allows for strict compliance with industry-specific regulations and data privacy requirements.
Performance Performance can vary based on shared resources. Predictable and consistent performance since resources are dedicated.
Scalability It is easily scalable to accommodate fluctuating workloads. It is scalable but may require additional resources to be provisioned and managed.
Privacy Data resides on shared infrastructure, potentially raising privacy concerns. Offers greater control over data privacy and security due to dedicated resources.
Maintenance Cloud Provider handles hardware maintenance and updates. Full control over maintenance schedules and updates. The organization manages these tasks.
Use Cases Ideal for startups, small businesses, and projects with variable demands. It is suitable for enterprises, sensitive data, and applications with specific requirements.

Understanding the difference between public and private clouds is crucial for organizations looking to leverage cloud computing. Organizations can decide which cloud computing environment best suits their business objectives by considering data sensitivity, compliance regulations, budget, and scalability needs. Now, let us understand the definition, when to use, use cases, and public vs private cloud pros and cons in detail.

What is Public Cloud?

A public cloud is a cloud computing environment that multiple organizations share. An external party provides the service, which can be accessed online. Although it is less secure, it provides cost advantages and increased scalability compared to private clouds.

Public Cloud Deployment Model

When you choose public cloud, the cloud provider is solely responsible for complete cloud management and operations. It includes IT infrastructure, storage, hosting, maintenance, and all other computing resources. The public cloud pricing models typically consist of a subscription or pay-as-you-go plan, where you must only pay for the services you use. It is also known as “Utility Computing” as it delivers services on demand.

Pros of Public Cloud

The public cloud allows you to focus on innovation and growth strategies by offering you complete control of cloud operations. It comes with numerous benefits, making it an ideal choice for businesses across the globe.


  • Pay-As-You-Go Model: One option for pricing in public cloud services is pay-as-you-go (PAYG), which allows users to pay only for the resources they use. This model and other subscription and on-demand pricing options can be cost-effective for organizations.
  • Economies of scale: Public cloud providers can achieve cost savings through economies of scale and pass these savings on to customers.


  • On-demand resources: Public clouds can quickly scale up or down based on changing needs. This is ideal for businesses with fluctuating workloads.
  • Automatic resource provisioning: Many public cloud services offer automated scaling options, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Accessibility and Availability

  • Global reach: Public cloud providers have data centers distributed worldwide, ensuring low-latency access to services for users across the globe.
  • High availability: Public cloud services are designed for redundancy and high availability, minimizing downtime, and ensuring data resilience.


  • Access to cutting-edge technology: Public cloud providers continuously invest in research and development, making the latest technologies (e.g., AI, IoT) accessible to users.
  • Marketplace: Cloud marketplaces allow users to quickly discover and deploy third-party applications and services.

Collaboration and Remote Work

  • Collaborative tools: Many public cloud providers offer collaboration and communication tools, facilitating remote work and team collaboration.
  • Accessibility: Cloud services can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling remote work and global collaboration.

Cost Predictability

  • Limited Maintenance: The upkeep and management of the cloud infrastructure and its assets fall under the purview of the provider offering public cloud services.
  • Budget Planning and Forecasting: Predictable pay-as-you-go pricing enables organizations to manage and forecast their IT expenditures effectively.

Cons of Public Cloud

Public cloud computing comes with its set of benefits and drawbacks. In public cloud solutions, the infrastructure is utilized by numerous individuals, promoting the potential for unapproved entry and data security lapses. Thus, it is critical to thoroughly assess the vulnerabilities or drawbacks before choosing a public cloud solution.

Security Concerns

  • Data Exposure: Storing data on shared servers may raise concerns about data security and unauthorized access.
  • Compliance Challenges: Meeting specific regulatory requirements can be complex in a multi-tenant environment.

Dependency on Service Provider

  • Vendor Lock-In: Moving away from a specific public cloud provider can be challenging due to compatibility issues and data transfer costs.
  • Service Reliability: Reliance on the provider’s infrastructure means potential service disruptions if the provider encounters problems.

Cost Variability

  • Unpredictable Costs: While pay-as-you-go pricing can be cost-effective, it may lead to unanticipated monthly expenses if resource usage fluctuates significantly.
  • Hidden Costs: Ensure you monitor usage as certain services and features might cost you additional fees.

Technical Challenges

  • Integration Complexity: Integrating existing on-premises systems with public cloud services can be technically challenging.
  • Skills Gap: Transitioning to the cloud may require staff training and upskilling to manage cloud resources effectively.

When Should You Use Public Cloud?

Understanding when to use public cloud is essential in the ever-changing world of cloud computing. The public cloud is where practical needs like accessibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness come together.

On-Demand Scalability Needs

When your organization requires the ability to scale resources up or down quickly based on fluctuating workloads, the on-demand scalability of public cloud services becomes advantageous.


For cost-effective computing resources without the burden of upfront infrastructure investments, pay-as-you-go pricing model of the public cloud aligns well with your budgetary considerations.

Global Accessibility

When your services or applications must be accessible to users across geographical locations, public cloud data centers distributed worldwide ensure low-latency access.

Startup Ventures

Startups and small businesses often find public cloud platforms ideal for their initial technology needs, enabling them to focus resources on growth without extensive IT infrastructure management.

Examples of Public Cloud

Public cloud services find applications in numerous scenarios, signifying their versatility. Leading technology companies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform utilize public cloud infrastructure to host various services. Moreover, the extensive public cloud adoption across various industries showcases its role in delivering accessible and scalable services to businesses and consumers.

Online Email Services

Major web-based email providers like Gmail and rely on public cloud platforms to host their services, enabling millions of users to access their email conveniently without managing individual email servers.

E-commerce Platforms

Many online retailers choose public cloud infrastructure for hosting their e-commerce websites. This approach ensures scalability during peak shopping seasons, maintains high availability, and reduces infrastructure costs.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Businesses utilize SaaS to provide users with software applications through public cloud platforms. According to Statista, Software as a Service (SaaS) is expected to dominate the public cloud market in 2023 with a projected market volume of $253.90 billion[3]. This method guarantees convenient accessibility to the software and allows for seamless expansion when required.

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What is Private Cloud?

A private cloud is like having your particular corner in the digital world. It’s a computer setup where only one organization can use the cloud, its services, and everything that comes with it. Even though a company might set it up, it’s exclusively for one user, and they don’t share the resources. Private clouds are hosted on infrastructure owned by the organization, offering a high level of control and security. However, they may be more costly than public clouds.

Private Cloud Deployment Model

The private cloud market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18%[4] by 2030. Private clouds are mainly used by big organizations that need a computer setup. They can tweak it however they want, giving them more control over their data security to meet necessary compliances. For instance, private clouds in government offices, hospitals, or banks are places that handle essential data and need to follow strict rules.

Pros of Private Cloud

Private clouds offer several advantages, making them a smart choice for many organizations. One significant benefit is their heightened level of control, allowing companies to tailor their cloud environment to suit specific needs and security requirements.

The dedicated nature of private clouds ensures resource availability and performance consistency, ensuring reliable and predictable business operations. These are just a few critical pros; let us understand the other pros of private cloud in detail.

Data Privacy and Compliance

  • Data Isolation: Private clouds keep data separate from other organizations, reducing the risk of data exposure or unauthorized access.
  • Compliance Control: Organizations can strictly comply with industry and regulatory standards within their private cloud environment.

Security Measures

  • Data Protection: Private clouds allow organizations to implement robust data encryption and access controls, fortifying data security.
  • Security Policies: Security policies can be tailored to align with specific security requirements and risk profiles.

Customization and Flexibility

  • Tailored Solutions: Private clouds offer the flexibility to customize infrastructure and services to align precisely with business requirements.
  • Resource Allocation: Resource allocation and performance tuning can be optimized to suit unique workloads.

Reliability and Performance

  • Predictable Performance: Private clouds often provide consistent and predictable performance levels, ideal for critical applications.
  • Redundancy Options: Organizations can implement redundancy and failover strategies to enhance reliability.

Reduced Latency

  • Low Latency: Private clouds can offer lower latency for applications that require real-time processing or rapid data access.
  • Improved Response Times: This can improve user experiences and operational efficiency.

Cons of Private Cloud

While private clouds offer several advantages, they also come with some drawbacks that organizations should consider. One notable downside is the higher initial setup and maintenance cost, which can be substantial compared to public cloud solutions.

Managing and securing a private cloud can be complex and resource-intensive, necessitating ongoing efforts and expenditures. Here are some major drawbacks of opting for a personal cloud approach.

Higher Costs

  • Initial Investments: Setting up a private cloud infrastructure typically requires substantial upfront investments in hardware, software, and maintenance.
  • Ongoing Expenses: Private clouds often entail continuing operational costs, such as maintenance, upgrades, and staffing.

Complexity and Management

  • Technical Expertise: Operating a private cloud demands a skilled IT team of cloud experts capable of effectively managing and troubleshooting the infrastructure.
  • Resource Intensive: Private clouds can be resource-intensive regarding time, effort, and workforce required for maintenance and support.

Scalability Challenges

  • Limited Scalability: Private clouds may need significant investment in scaling resource like IT infrastructure and manpower to accommodate fluctuating workloads.
  • Capacity Planning: Organizations must carefully plan and provision resources, potentially resulting in over-provisioning or underutilization.

Limited Access and Mobility

  • Restricted Access: Private clouds may not offer the same level of accessibility as public clouds, making remote access and collaboration more challenging.
  • Mobile Workforce Constraints: Supporting a mobile workforce may require additional IT infrastructure and complexity.

When Should You Use Private Cloud?

The decision to use a private cloud is influenced by specific requirements related to data control, customization, security, compliance, performance, and strategic alignment with an organization’s objectives. Let us shed some light on when and why organizations should opt for private cloud solutions.

Strict Data Control

When an organization requires absolute control over its data, especially in scenarios involving sensitive or regulated information, the private cloud can provide the resources needed to meet these requirements.

Customization Needs

In cases where specific software configurations or resource allocations are essential to support unique workloads, private cloud offers the flexibility to tailor the environment precisely to these demands.

Security and Compliance Mandates

Organizations that are required to meet strict industry regulations or standards may find private cloud the best option for maintaining security protocols and ensuring adherence to compliance mandates.

Redundancy and Disaster Recovery

For businesses requiring comprehensive redundancy and robust disaster recovery capabilities, private cloud can be configured to support outage, replication, and data backup strategies tailored to their needs.

Examples of Private Cloud

As businesses become more reliant on cloud computing, private clouds are becoming an increasingly popular option for organizations that must ensure the security, privacy, and performance of their data and applications. Here are some use cases or examples of private clouds.

Government Data Protection

Government entities often utilize private clouds to safeguard sensitive citizen data, ensuring compliance with stringent data privacy regulations. These clouds enable precise control over data access and security.

Financial Services

Banks and financial institutions employ private clouds to secure financial transactions and customer information. This heightened security is crucial for maintaining trust and compliance with financial regulations.

Healthcare Records Management

Healthcare providers leverage private clouds to store and manage patient records, ensuring data confidentiality and adherence to healthcare compliance standards, such as HIPAA.

Similarities Between Public and Private Cloud

Despite their differences, public and private clouds share several key similarities, making them essential components of modern computing infrastructure. These similarities help organizations determine the best cloud deployment model for their needs.

  • Scalability: Both public and private clouds offer scalability. This means that computing resources can be easily adjusted to meet changing demands. Whether needing more storage, processing power, or memory, both cloud types allow businesses to scale up or down as required.
  • Flexibility: Public and private clouds provide flexibility in how resources are assigned and how you can set them up. Users have the choice to select from a range of services and setup choices to customize the cloud environment.
  • Automation: Automation is a common feature in both clouds. This helps manage and provision resources, streamline operations, and improve efficiency.
  • Remote Accessibility: Public and private clouds enable remote access to resources. This accessibility is crucial for organizations with remote or distributed teams, allowing users to work from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • High Availability: Both cloud types strive to provide high availability by utilizing redundant infrastructure and failover mechanisms to minimize downtime and ensure continuous service availability.

Public vs Private Cloud: Which One Should You Choose?

Selecting the right cloud computing approach for your business is of great importance. Your decision should be guided by factors such as your specific use cases, technical capabilities, public cloud vs private cloud security, available infrastructure, and budget considerations. Each public or private cloud model has advantages and disadvantages, making them appropriate for different organizational needs.

The public cloud is ideal when your:

  • Computing needs are predictable
  • Focus is on cloud-native application development
  • You require resources for development and testing

On the other hand, the private cloud is the preferred option for:

  • Government agencies
  • Highly regulated organizations
  • Those seeking enhanced control, security, and performance through investments in modern technology stacks

When choosing the right cloud deployment model, there is much more than public and private clouds. There are other key cloud concepts that all fall within the purview of public and private clouds. Let us briefly walk you through multi-cloud and hybrid cloud.

Why Should You Also Consider Multi-cloud or Hybrid-cloud Approach?

A hybrid cloud is an IT environment that combines public and private cloud elements into a single and unified architecture, enabling organizations to leverage both advantages. It integrates the scalability and adaptability of the public cloud along with the security and management control of the private cloud.

On the other hand, multi-cloud is an extension of the hybrid cloud concept involving multiple public clouds without integrating private cloud services or an on-prem component. However, a hybrid cloud approach functions as a multi-cloud approach when the environment integrates elements such as a private cloud, on-premises infrastructure, and multiple instances of public cloud services.

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How Can Rishabh Software Help You Make The Most Of Public And Private Cloud?

At Rishabh Software, we are well-versed in public and private cloud computing models. With a track record of successful partnerships across diverse industries and organizations of all sizes, we specialize in crafting enterprise cloud strategies and delivering comprehensive solutions. As a leading custom cloud application development company, we are here to assist you in utilizing the full potential of Public and Private Clouds.

Organizations of all shapes and sizes have trusted and leveraged our cloud consulting expertise to enhance their operational efficiency. We enable organizations to oversee their IT infrastructure adeptly, assuring their position as market leaders in technology and innovation.


Deciding between a private or public cloud relies on several considerations, including the sensitivity of your data, financial limitations, and the precise needs of your business. Private clouds offer greater control and security but have higher costs and maintenance responsibilities. While Public clouds provide cost-efficiency and scalability, they may raise concerns about data privacy and compliance.

Ultimately, the decision should align with an organization’s unique needs and priorities. Certain enterprises might choose a mixed strategy, combining aspects of both private and public cloud systems to create a harmony between authority and adaptability. It is crucial to evaluate your organization’s purpose thoroughly and compare the pros and drawbacks of each cloud model. In this manner, you can make a well-informed decision that ultimately contributes to your organization’s success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Private Cloud Better Than Public Cloud?

A: Deciding between private and public cloud depends on the organization’s specific requirements. A private cloud offers greater control and adaptability, which can benefit organizations with uncompromising security needs or particular workloads.

A public cloud is often more cost-effective and scalable, making it a favorable choice for businesses seeking flexibility and accessibility to a wide range of services. It’s not a matter of being definitively superior; the choice depends on aligning with your organization’s unique goals and priorities.

Q: What Are the Examples of Public and Private Cloud?

A: Distinguishing between public and private clouds can be explained through some concrete examples. Some common examples of public clouds are well-known platforms, including AWS, Azure, and GCP. These public clouds make shared resources accessible to a wide range of users over the internet.

Private clouds are represented by solutions like VMware’s vCloud, OpenStack, or privately operated data centers. These private clouds are designed exclusively for one organization, providing greater control and customization options. These real-world examples showcase the fundamental differences between public and private cloud environments.

Q: Which is More Secure – Private or Public Cloud?

A: Regarding security, the distinction between private and public clouds is a matter of nuance. Private clouds offer greater control over security measures and are often favored by organizations with strict compliance requirements or sensitive data. However, the security of a public cloud largely depends on how well it is configured and managed.

Public cloud providers invest heavily in security features and certifications, making them a robust choice when implemented correctly.