Key Features

To address the client’s complex requirements, we developed a comprehensive clinical trial management software that efficiently streamlined the vast amount of data, documentation, and processes involved in clinical trials. The key features of this CTMS include:

Collaborative Platform

The clinical research management platform acts as a centralized communication hub that enables swift and seamless collaboration among researchers, clinicians, and sponsors. It generates real-time insights into trial progress and performance, improving decision-making throughout the trial.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

The system’s advanced reporting and analytics tools let clients track trial progress, spot data trends, and create detailed reports. This helps research institutions and pharmaceutical companies make better decisions based on real-time insights, improving overall trial outcomes.

Multi-Level Trial Management

The clinical trial management software supports comprehensive trial management. It facilitates the easy onboarding of new companies with multiple trial setups and manages detailed subject information. The system also tracks visits and securely stores complete visit data, including reports, images, PDFs, and DICOM files for advanced medical imaging.

Customizable Data Forms and Templates

Our CTMS development approach integrated customizable forms and templates for various trial data types. This flexibility ensures that data collection aligns with the specific requirements of clinical study management while also maintaining thorough documentation and efficient data management.

Clinical research site management screen in CTMS
Clinical trial dashboard snapshot

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